Today, we left Chicago to drive to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Wisconsin will be the 45th state that I have visited. It is not very far between the two cities, but it took us about 3 hours, because I try to avoid highways and interstates. We arrived around one and checked into the hotel. We were staying at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center. You enter the hotel and have to walk through an entrance area and around a corner to the elevators. You take the elevators up to the Lobby. From there you check in. We got checked in and went downstairs to get our luggage and then to move our car off the street into the parking garage. I was able to grab someone to help us with our luggage. He took our luggage up to the lobby, while we went to park our car. We then met him in the lobby, and he took our luggage up to our room.
We rested for a while, then walked down to the river walk. On the way we stopped and ate lunch. The river walk is a nice area with statues. The bridges across the river lift to let boats pass under them. We then walked back to the hotel and ordered food to be delivered for supper.