Today was a short drive, only a little over 2 hours. We stopped in Mouges and walked around. Next we drove to Nyon and stopped again, walked around and ate lunch. Then back to the car and we headed for our hotel in Geneva. When we found our hotel, we drove by the back of the hotel and there was not any where to park. So we drove a few minutes away and found a parking garage. We walked back to the hotel and checked in. We told the clerk where we had parked, she suggested we move to the parking garage at the train sttion. The one we pparked at is closed at night. But first we were able to move our car to the front of the hotel to unload our luggage. We then went on the hunt for the parking garage at the train station. What should have taken only 15 or 20 minutes took us over an hour. We could not figure out how to get back to it after we missed the turn the first time. The GPS kept wanting me to make a U-turn and after trying it one time and getting beeped at, I refused to make any more u-turns. But we eventually found our way back to the parking garage and parked the car. Then using the map function on my phone able to walk back to the hotel. We went for a walk and found a restaurant to eat at. Then we did some more walking before returning back to our hotel.
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