Today, we decided to do the Cliff Walk in Newport. It is a 3.5 mile walk along the coast past some large mansions. We did not do the whole walk. We walked from the Forty steps to just past Angelsea. The Forty Steps were originally built in 1880. They were built from the Cliff Walk down to the sea, but had no actual purpose because there was not a beach at the bottom. Servants that worked in the mansions along the Cliff walk started gathering at the Forty Steps to play music and dance. The part of the walk did was pretty easy. The walk is difficult in some places. We stopped when we got to the part that was across huge boulders. After the walk, we drove 15 miles to get food from Chick-fil-a and we went to a grocery store before returning to our hotel. I took a nap, Jay went for a walk. Then we went out for dinner.
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
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